Under new management


36 Fifteenth Ave, Tauranga

We absolutely understand your distribution needs

Our eCommerce services have been designed to solve the challenges we ourselves faced with our own part time eCommerce business…

If you have outgrown your existing home storage and distribution space, you’ve likely dealing with the same problems we encountered a few years ago, that led us to set up our own 3PL services.

The cost and practicalities of leasing smaller storage is not sustainable, right? Let alone the inconvenience of having to factor in the time to travel to them. And one of the hardest decisions to make is when to jump from managing your storage and distribution in the shed, garage or space at home and commit to the cost of storage space. The fear of the unknown often sees us struggle to manage a less than ideal situation for too long. But it doesn’t need to be like that.

Don’t you just wish you could get the right team levels every day to meet distribution volumes? Hiring part-time staff makes so much sense when your sales and corresponding dispatch volumes are high, and you need to get products out the door pronto. But what about the stress of carrying those staffing levels when sales volumes fluctuate down or when sales go through the roof and you suddenly get caught short? You’re either under or over capacity with your staffing at any one time and hardly ever at situation perfect!

Like us, you may have checked out some of the larger freight distribution companies. We certainly did, but we found that, generally, they prefer bulk goods and are simply not prepared to take on smaller clients with our individual needs.  We also found their fee structure confusing and expensive and they often wanted to tie you into using their other services and contracted providers. None of which we do.


We’ve been described as approachable, efficient, capable and flexible. That’s pretty cool and we’re pretty proud of our growing reputation. We’re renowned for taking care of our client’s products as if they are our own. In fact, to be fair, our warehouse pick and pack team have been described as pedantic in the care they take with packaging and distributing goods. We think it’s another hallmark of our team approach and values.

Speaking of team, you know what they say about lists, being organised, being particular and just getting on with the job. Yep – that’s us the eComm Distribution team that go above and beyond everyday for all our clients.

Selling products through on-line ordering? Maybe you should get to know these friendly faces… so that you can get back to focusing on sales, marketing and new product development…